The process of »Piot« Logo refinement.

Logotype refinement

Jose, the Fracciøn’s creative director, contacted us in order to improve a logo he had been working on but could not solve the design on his own.

Piot Custom Lettering

01        This was the original logotype version designed by Fracciøn, which had outlines, spacing and legibility issues.

When a logo refinement is done, we work directly with the art directors in order to solve technical and design problems that they cannot do on their own and require our professional help. We look for sources of inspiration based on the creative direction we receive, we make a diagnosis to know what is the logo status from a technical point of view to define the reach and project complexity.

Piot Custom Lettering

02        Source of inspiration.

Piot Custom Lettering

03        Source of inspiration.

Logotype refinement

04        A rounded version’s exploration.

Logotype refinement

05        A version with ink traps exaggerated rejected.


06        Logotype in use by Fracciøn.


07        Logotype in use by Fracciøn.


08        Logotype in use by Fracciøn.


09        Logotype in use by Fracciøn.

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